Are you ready for labour and delivery?
Do you have a birth preparation plan?
A birth preparation plan, also known as a birth plan or a birthing plan, is a document that outlines your preferences and wishes for your childbirth experience.
It is a way to communicate your needs and desires to your healthcare provider and your support team, such as your partner, family members, or doula.
A birth preparation plan can include information about your preferences for pain relief, delivery positions, monitoring during labour, and postpartum care.
It can also include information about your preferences for breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and any special cultural or religious practices you would like to incorporate into your childbirth experience.
Creating a birth preparation plan can help you feel more in control and confident about your childbirth experience, and it can also help your healthcare provider and support team better understand your wishes and preferences.
However, it’s important to remember that birth can be unpredictable, and your plan may need to be adjusted based on the circumstances of your labour and delivery. The goal is to ensure that you and your baby are kept safe.
If you haven’t thought about a bed preparation plan, I would encourage you to consider coming up with one.
I think it’s a useful document and there are probably a number of places where you can get some more information. I would recommend a dear friend, Dr. Nicole Rankins, who has been an OBGYN for over 15 years and delivered thousands of babies at this point.
Dr. Nicole has a really great resource course that helps you flesh out a nice birth preparation plan. You can find her resources here.
I do wanna encourage you to think about a birth preparation plan because it could make labour delivery maybe less of a surprise and more in line with what you would want if you get it all out, written out, and communicated ahead of time to your birthing team.
For a free resource guide on becoming a confident mom, go here. If you want to know some tips that will help you choose the right pediatrician for your baby, go here.